If you do not always text a guy and he begins to notice you are not contacting him as much, he will begin to miss you. It takes a lot for some guys to start to set aside their ego and let the girl they are interested in know that they miss her. 😁😁

Best Good Morning Text For Him

#1 Good morning, my love. I hope your day is as wonderful as my life has been after meeting you!

#2 This message is meant for the sweetest person in the world, and whoaaa… now you are reading it! Good morning.

#3 I need you more than I need my coffee this morning! And you know, I AM a coffee addict!

#4 The dream of my life is to wake up next to you, and yes, it will come true soon. Good morning, my bae.

#5 Hey baby! I can’t let you start your day without telling you how much I love you! Have a great morning!

#6 Good morning to the love of my life. You complete me.

#7 Good morning! The best part of my morning routine is sipping coffee and thinking of you – I love you, sweetheart.

#8 I hated mornings until I found a man worth waking up next to. Good morning!

#9 Just wanted to tell you that I think of you the first thing in the morning and the last thing before going to sleep. Good morning!

#10 My heart skipped a beat the moment I felt you wake up. Good morning, sweetheart.

Cute Good Morning Text For Him

#11 Just checking in – is the most handsome guy in the universe awake yet?

#12 Hey, you sexy thing! Hope you have a great morning and a super chill day at work!

#13 Want to come over for some breakfast and…? Trust me, there isn’t a better way to start your day! You are welcome ;)

#14 Brrr… it’s so cold and rainy today! I wish you were here to warm me up with your hugs and caresses.

#15 I dreamt that I kissed you and woke up missing you. Please come hug me, and I won’t ever let you go.

#16 I am counting down the nanoseconds until I get to see you again! I love you, hottie! Good morning.

#17 Good morning, sunshine! My day starts and ends with you.

#18 Arrghhh… I hate waking up! Because then, I can’t dream of you anymore  Good morning.

#19 I went to bed smiling last night – because of you. I woke up smiling – because of you. Good morning, my happiness.

#20 I don’t want my pillow anymore! I would rather be sleeping in your arms. Buenos Dias, mi amour!

Sweet Good Morning Text For Him

#21 You are being placed under arrest for being too handsome. Your punishment is to be silenced with kisses. Good morning!

#22 I do hope you know CPR dude, because you just take my breath away! Good morning!

#23 Listen, you have to stop making me think about you, ok? I’m busy. Just kidding, love me!

#24 Hey sleepyhead! I looked online at the restaurant’s menu for our date tonight. Want to know what is on the menu? Me-n-u ;)

#25 Do me a favor – stand in front of the mirror and say good morning to the sexiest man alive!

LONG Good Morning Text For Him

#26 My love, mornings without you here by my side are what I hate the most. I can’t wait for you to be with me, so I can melt in your arms again. You are, and always will be, my reason to live. Good morning!

#27 Hey tiger (roarrrrr)! As a morning present, I am sending over some virtual kisses to tell you how much I miss you. Muaah muaah muaahh. You will get the real ones only when you come over in person. And maybe more *wink*wink*!!

#28 You are the cheese to my sandwich, the peanut butter to my jelly, and the Oreo to my milk. Just wanted to wish you a good morning, and – oh no, I’m hungry now. Om nom nom.

#29 Every morning, I thank the universe for gifting you to me. You are my addiction, my faith, my nirvana. I can’t get enough of you. I wish you could take a peek into my soul and discover how much I love you.

#30 Good morning, babe. I wish I could explain to you how it feels to wake up every morning to realize you are mine, and I’m yours. Forever. It is truly a magical feeling – it’s like there are a hundred butterflies in my tummy! I love you so much.

Sweet Good Morning Text For Him

#31 Let’s switch off our phones, call in sick at work, and spend all our time cuddling in bed. Good morning, my love!

#32 If I could, I would relive every moment of my life I have spent with you. I love you, my heartbeat. Good Morning!

#33 Good Morning. You are the sky, I am the horizon. You are the ocean, I am the beach. You are the heart, I am the beat. We belong together. Forever <3

#34 Good morning, babe. Every day, you spoil me with your love and little acts of kindness. I just cannot start my day without first thinking of you.

#35 Wanna know how long our love will last? Multiply all the stars in the universe by a million. I love you, good morning!

#36 Mornings are my favorite part of the day! Know why? Because every time I open my eyes, I get to see your kind, loving face. I adore you <3 Good morning handsome!

#37 My world was black and white, you are the one who added color to it! Without you, my life is empty. Have a great day, my love.

#38 Mi amour, let’s not do anything today! Happiness is in little things, and there is nothing that can make me happier than spending time with you. Good Morning!

#39 I am blinded by your love – you mean the world to me! Have a great morning my love.

#40 Look at you sleeping so peacefully! I wish I could be that strand of hair that has fallen on your face! I want to wake up with you holding me in your arms – forever. I love you